Monday, 5 October 2009

Vacation in a can.

Three days wasted. My latest aquisition - a Harpy class Assault Ship sat in the dock being loaded and prepared to leave.
I'm off on a hunting trip and have a locus gravity container filled to the top with Javelin S rounds. Today I shall be scouting Stacmon...

Nothing but a few unknown miners. Disappointing. But a few new chances.
Oppertunity knocks as I warp into the second belt, a Retriever with a canister floating beside it. Pushing my search for information aside, I kick in the Afterburner and approach the can belonging to 'LE4u5,' jettisoning my own and transferring his hard mined ore into it. I sit and wait, the can of rocks floating idley beside my ship. The Retriever class Mining Barge warping away.
I sit and wait for a moment then destroy the ill gotten gains. He wasn't coming back.
Two more belts down, a few low-ranking Serpentis pilots down. I engage my warp drive to fly to the next belt and an Executioner class Frigate enters behind me. LE4u5. Damn, too late. I call out in the local NeoComm channel as I land in the belt, "LE4u5, I'm in belt IX - 1, come fight me if you feel it absolutely neccesary." No response. Four more low-ranking Serpentis pilots arrive in the belt and I immediately engage, my 125mm Railgun IIs tearing them to shreds.
I scan the wrecks and my sensors alert me to a new ship within scanner range. Executioner class Frigate belonging to LE4u5. Excellent! My onboard computer alerts me to his lock-on, responding in kind I return lock.
Laser fire streaking space, lightspeed bolts of super-heated light causing electromagnetic damage on my shield systems - the weak point of all shield systems. I approach and begin warp scrambling him, hoping the effect of my Warp Scrambler II would nullify his Microwarpdrive. Constant speed, odd.
Engaging my Nosferatu and four 125mm Railgun II turrets, I engage. His sheilds melting in seconds - a mere 3 volleys - his armor disintegrating under my sustained fire.
How is his ship fitted? Why is his armor being demolished so fast? I begin to suspect the worst. His damage may be low against me, but maybe he opted for a man-tank. Structure tanking is for real men - supposedly.
Again, I was wrong. What was this man doing? He's been a registered capsuleer for almost 2 years, was he baiting me?

The engagement ended abruptly, his ship destroyed, escape pods and his own capsule warping out.
"I should've brought out my Absolution out," he says in local. Keeping calm, breathing slowly to keep my voice calm and level - I respond. "Come out in whatever you want, I am willing to fight you in anything..."

A short conversation in local, I shant bore you with the details led me to feel something. Whether it was remorse or respect, I have no idea, but it lead me to inviting him to the recruitment channel for our Academy.
He seems an intelligent individual, maybe he will fit in well with the Guristas Associates.
Only time will tell.

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